
We hold two Selling Exhibitions a year for members’ artwork. Our Summer Exhibition is in late May/early June and our One Day Sale is in November. See the Programme page for the dates this year.

Two Selling Exhibitions

Art by our members is for sale at both of our exhibitions, but there are some differences in the way the exhibitions are run. The following is a general guide and not a definitive statement of the rules, which will be notified to members before each exhibition.

Summer Exhibition

Our Summer Exhibition is our principal public event of the year. It’s held in Little Gaddesden Village Hall, and generally involves a private view (by invitation only) on a Friday evening before the public are welcomed in on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Framed artwork is hung on screens in the well-lit hall, among sculptures and other 3D items, and there is generally a good selection of folios (mounted but unframed pictures protected with transparent film) on display too. The usual rule is that only artwork which has not previously been exhibited in Little Gaddesden can be shown at the Summer Exhibition. Almost all artwork is for sale, but artists may designate one of their entries as ‘not for sale’. Purchased artwork other than folios must remain for the duration of the exhibition for others to view. Folios can be taken away when they are bought.

Invitations to the private view are sent to those who have purchased art at recent exhibitions. Wine and canapés are served, and the private view offers an early opportunity to purchase artwork before the exhibition is opened to the general public.

Everyone is welcome on the public days. Entrance is free, and catalogues are available for a modest sum. Refreshments can be bought from the kitchen and seating at tables is available, creating a café atmosphere in which people are welcome to linger. Artwork is collected when the exhibition ends on Monday evening.

We take cards and cash – and cheques from known purchasers – for all transactions.

The Bill Burrell Prize

In memory of the late and much missed Bill Burrell, who was a member of Little Gaddesden Art Club for many years and Treasurer for several of them, we instituted a prize for the work of art in the Summer Exhibition that is voted best by our visitors. The prize is an engraved tankard for the winning artist to keep for a year.

In 2024, the inaugural winner was Andrew Dixon for his oil painting ‘Venice 2023’:

Photo of Andrew Dixon & Christine Burrell
Christine Burrell presents The Bill Burrell Prize, awareded in memory of her late husband Bill, to Andrew Dixon.

Andrew’s winning painting can be seen on the Gallery page.

One Day Sale

Our One Day Sale, which we generally hold on the second Saturday in November, is conveniently placed in the calendar to offer a good opportunity to buy artwork in the run-up to Christmas. Many pieces are purchased for gifts; and we also sell greetings and Christmas cards featuring prints of pictures.

The One Day Sale is run somewhat differently from the Summer Exhibition. Usually:

  • Artwork, whether framed or not, is displayed on tables, not hung.
  • All items are for sale (so there are no ‘not for sale’ items).
  • Artists may re-exhibit items which have been shown at our previous exhibitions.
  • There is no printed catalogue.
  • All artwork may be taken away as soon as it is purchased – which is why we call it a sale rather than an exhibition – so there is no need for purchasers to come back at the end of the day.
  • There’s generally a good selection of greetings and Christmas cards for sale.

However, there are also similarities:

  • The One Day Sale is held in Little Gaddesden Village Hall, where the natural and artificial lighting are good.
  • There’s an engaging café atmosphere, with the kitchen selling refreshments (as well as light lunches at the One Day Sale). Seating is available at tables.
  • We take cards and cash, as well as cheques from known purchasers, for all transactions.
Cards accepted at Little Gaddesden Art Club

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